
Emotion are a condition that we us to express our feelings. emotion involves feeling, thinking, activation of the nervous system, physiological changes, and behavioral changes such as facial expressions.

Mental health awareness

Mental Health Awareness

Mental health awareness refers to the understanding and recognition of mental health disorders and the importance of addressing and treating them. Mental health disorders affect millions of people worldwide, and the stigma surrounding them often prevents individuals from seeking help. Therefore, raising awareness about mental health is essential to promote understanding, reduce stigma, and encourage …

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behaviors of a confident people?

What are the behaviors of a confident people?

Confidence is an essential trait that can help individuals achieve their goals, build strong relationships, and overcome obstacles. Confident people have a unique set of behaviors that distinguish them from those who lack confidence. In this article, we will discuss some of the common behaviors of confident people. They take responsibility for their actions. Confident …

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Emotion Meaning, Definition and Types

What is Emotion? Emotion are a condition that we us to express our feelings. emotion involves feeling, thinking, activation of the nervous system, physiological changes, and behavioral changes such as facial expressions. Emotion is a complex psychophysiological experience that we experience as a result of our interactions with our environment. Emotion is a disturbed glandular …

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